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Frequently asked questions… How do you choose your guests and get them to take part? We usually aim to book high profile well known names or leading people in their respective fields. We look for those who have made significant achievements, such as having amassed an impressive body of work. Often, guests’ names may not be well known, but their work would certainly be known to many – whether they’re film producers, film editors, television bosses or other key behind the scenes figures.    It’s often been asked how we get our guests. There are various ways, but it often has been through agents or management. However, on many occasions contact has been made directly with guests. We usually let potential guests know of some previous ones, mainly those also in their own field, as this sometimes makes the request more appealing to them. Guests are usually booked around four months before each event.  Can I reserve a seat? To reserve a place in advance purchases can be made online by clicking the BUY NOW button on the homepage of the event you wish to attend, or contact the particular venue hosting the event. Your name will be on the prepaid list at the next event. Is there a concessionary entry fee and who qualifies? Students, unemployed, and OAPs are eligible for the concessionary rate (proof required). Please contact us for further details if you would like to pre-book a concessionary reservation. What time does it finish? The events usually finish around 10:30pm, after the raffle draw.   How are the events publicised? We promote them through a variety of ways – mainly with an online newsletter and via Facebook and Twitter, particularly useful ways of promoting our events. Sometimes, guests are interviewed in the media and press, mainly locally, such as The Argus, Latest 7 and BBC Sussex. The Space website is regularly updated and receives over 1,600 monthly visits. The events are featured on relevant arts and media websites and ones that may be connected to guests. How can I become involved with The Space? Over the years, many people have offered to join the team in various capacities, from helping to sell raffle tickets to filming events. This is always much appreciated. We would especially be keen and grateful to hear from anyone who could help with marketing or further income streams. Feel free to get in touch via the contact page or email any of the team directly.
© The Space. All rights reserved.
The Space is a unique, regular and intimate arts, culture and media event with guest interviewees Presenter and promoter, Wayne Imms can be contacted at Southern Performance And Creative Energies